Producing organs that do the job with style.


Our design and tonal philosophy is to create and voice instruments in a style that is distinctly our own, with no pretense of copying one school or historical design. Our goal is to blend general contemporary American ideas with our own concepts based on research into other organ-building traditions.

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New Pipe Organs

Our new organs feature Quimby Pipe Organs’ Blackinton style electro-pneumatic slider windchests, which allow the pipes to speak clearly and practically instantaneously. Our instruments are designed to be “service-friendly” – to provide easy access of tuning and maintenance, giving dependable and reliable service for many generations to come.

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Rebuilding & Restoration

Restoration projects offer us the opportunity to observe and document successful approaches of other master organ builders, ultimately influencing our own work.

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We maintain an inherent respect for the historic integrity of existing instruments, while also taking into consideration client-developed goals for any restoration or rebuild project.



Madison, Wisconsin

The organ was built in 1917 for the Portland Municipal Auditorium, Portland, Oregon. In 1971 the organ was relocated to Alpenrose Dairy and installed in the Dairyland Opera House where it remained until its removal in May 2021. The instrument is now in process of being restored and installed in The Cathedral Church of Saint Bernard, Madison, Wisconsin. Relocation of Ernest M. Skinner four-manual/50 rank Opus 265. 

Immaculata Church, St. Marys, Kansas North Balcony Case


Saint Marys, Kansas

The instrument installed in the north transept of Immaculata was built in 1966 by Aeolian-Skinner as their Opus 1483. The organ was secured from the University of Colorado, Boulder, by Quimby Pipe Organs in 2021. A complete rebuild and revoicing, retaining all ranks, was accomplished, incorporating the console from Aeolian-Skinner Opus 1523 from Seventy-Sixth Street Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama: two manuals and pedal, four ranks, 316 pipes: 16′ Rohrgedeckt (95 pipes); 8′ Spitzflöte (85 pipes); 22⁄3′ Nasat (61 pipes); 4′ Principal (73 pipes).

Maintenance Tips



When scheduling a tuning and maintenance visit, it sometimes takes a while for it to occur; so, we thought we would enlighten you with an explanation of the process of scheduling your tuning and maintenance service visit.

Michael Quimby shares a bit of his rich  background and history in this interview with Dr. Carol Williams, a British-born international organist and composer. 

Listen to the Quimby sound as Ken Cowan plays Wagner on the Quimby Pipe Organ at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego, California.

Would you like to start a project with us?

We would love to hear from you. Fill out our contact form, or give us a call today to discuss
your personal project. It would be our pleasure to assist you.

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