4 manuals, 67 ranks
year complete, 2004 - 2012
In January, 2004, Quimby Pipe Organs contracted with Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral to accomplish the following work:
- A thorough cleaning of the pipe organ inside and out; lifting of all toe boards to check the slider seals, the table rings and cross channels; and to correct any tendency towards leaking. This will require the removal of all pipes from their respective windchests and storage in pipe trays in the balcony.
- The fabrication and installation of new mahogany stop jambs utilizing Harris draw stop units with 1¼ inch faux ivory heads. Provision of three additional knobs for Fanfare to Pedal coupler, Pedal Quintade 16 and Great Coupler Assist. Provision of new wiring from the new Harris draw top units to the existing solid-state combination.
- The fabrication and installation of new mahogany key cheeks, piston slips, and name board.
- The installation of new piston units with faux ivory heads, in the new slips, and provision of new wiring to the solid-state combination action.
- The supplying and installation of new SSL switching components for electric coupling action and Great/Pedal Quintade 16.
- The provision of SSL piston sequencer attached to the existing combination action.
- The supplying of new “Oboe” replacing the Swell Regal 8 along with adequate stays.
- The rebuilding of the existing pedal board with new tension plates at the back of the keys, and rebushing.
In February, 2012, Quimby Pipe Organs contracted with Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral to add the following new ranks of reed pipes:
- New Great 8′ Trumpet, 58 pipes.
- New Swell 8′ Trompette, 58 pipes.
- New Swell 4′ Clarion, 58 pipes.
- New Pedal 8′ Trumpet, 32 pipes.
- New Pedal 4′ Zinc, 32 pipes (The name to be changed to Clarion).
- Vintage 8′ Viola TC up, 46 pipes to replace the present 16′ Quintade. The existing 16′ stopped wood pipes will be revoiced to be the same dynamic level as the replacement rank.
The above reeds will be entirely new with scaling and voicing to be accomplished by Eric Johnson with Canon Musician John Schaefer’s input regarding the timbre. The 8′ basses would be constructed with substantial blocks, zinc stems, and antimonial spotted metal for the bells. Pipes from 4′ up would be constructed of heavy gauge antimonial spotted metal. Unlike the existing reed ranks which were built a half-step short to pitch, except for the Oboe which we installed in 2004, the resonator lengths will be built to the length schedule for A440 pitch.
View or download the tonal spec
Grace_Holy_Trinity Cathedral_Tonal Spec