Opus 1 : 2 manuals, 20 ranks
year complete, 1973
In 1972 the Official Board of the church contracted with Mr. Michael Quimby of Warrensburg to build a new two manual and pedal instrument of contemporary design using the case and some material from the Kilgen organ. The new organ contains 20 ranks and 1121 pipes, of which 251 were retained from the 1920 instrument. The visible pipework in the case includes 17 of the original speaking pipes. The action is now entirely elctro-pneumatic. The specifications were designed by Mr. Quimby in consultation with William McCandless and Dr. Frederic Homan, both of the music faculty at Central Missouri State University.
Read or download the dedication recital program from 09/23/1973 (includes tonal spec)
Dedication Recital Brochure 9-23-73