FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHLee's Summit, Missouri
3 manuals, 24 ranks
year complete, 1993
The pipe organ is a three manual electro-pneumatic instrument with 24 ranks. The instrument contains a total of 1,409 pipes ranging in size from over 16′ to smaller than a pencil. Twenty ranks are constructed of metal with pipes longer than four feet being constructed of zinc and those smaller constructed of various alloys of tin and lead. The remaining ranks are built of wood. The instrument’s tonal design and layout were accomplished by Michael Quimby and Richard Miller.
The instrument was created from quality used pipe work that were revoiced for the musical requirements of this church. All electro-pneumatic windchests incorporated were rebuilt. All the internal parts of the console are new and were specially designed to accommodate an existing console shell. The key and stop functions are controlled by a new solid state multiplex relay system. The solid state multi-level capture combination action features thirty-two levels of memory. The two new ranks constructed for this instrument were built by Thomas H. Anderson Organ Pipe Company. Other ranks from various sources were rescaled and revoiced for this situation.
The two new ranks constructed for this instrument were built by Thomas H. Anderson Organ Pipe Company. Other ranks from various sources were rescaled and revoiced for this situation.
View the Dedication Program Booklet
First Baptist_LS_Dedication Program
View or download the tonal spec PDF
First Baptis_LS_Tonal Spec