4 manuals, 67 ranks
year complete, 2013
Replacement of the pneumatic leather in the electro-pneumatic actions of the 1971 Schantz pipe organ. The following is included
A. Restoration of the pipe valve pouch boards-one pair for each manual stop-which includes the pitman rails, pitman valves, bolster strips, pouch springs, the pouches and valves themselves and the kraft paper backing on the underside of the pouch board which retains the pouch springs. The leather to be used in the rebuilding process will be brown Chrome Pneumatic Leather. Pouch and pitman rails will be checked for warping and splitting, and repaired as required.
B. Restoration of the note primary valve boards mounted on the bottom side of the windchest. This includes leather, gaskets, leather nuts, and electrical connections.
C. Restoration of the stop actions. This includes leather, pouches, valve wires, leather nuts, and gaskets.
D. Restore offset bass chests and pedal chests, clustered around the periphery of the main chest for the division. These windchests include pouches, valve rods, valves, leather nuts, pipe valve pouches and valves, and springs, and gaskets.
E. Shutter wiffletree engines, and tremulants had all perishable material replaced.
F. Rubber and plastic tubing with any actions were replaced.
G. Magnets were checked and cleaned and armatures replaced.
H. All neoprene-cork gasket material, anywhere in the instrument that is disturbed, were replaced with leather. Restoration of the reservoirs throughout the instrument, which would include replacement of all hinge fabric, rib leather, gussets, and corner caps. CPL leather will be used for all gussets.All reservoirs had internal gussets applied. All curtain valve fabric were replaced.
Rebuilding of the Schantz Chancel four-manual console. The rebuilding of the console included the following:
A. New draw knobs were provided.
B. Tilting tablets for inter-manual couplers.
C. Controlled by a Peterson ICS-4000 which operates all the key and stop functions through multiplexing, a 256-level combination action with piston sequencer, MIDI with built-in sequence recorder. A CAT-5 cable was used to connect the console to the various divisions of the pipe organ. The console, with this change, is moveable. The existing console windline and 3″ diameter cable to the organ chambers was eliminated.
D. Installation of new Inteli-Power rectifiers of appropriate amperages for operation of the instruments.
E. Construction of new stop jambs and coupler rail to accommodate the new drawknob control units, and coupler tilting tablet control units.
F. Rebuild as required, the existing manual and pedal keyboards. This included the following:
1) Manual keyboards, front bushings were renewed and rear bushings checked as necessary.
2) Replaced the contact system with new units having silver contacts and contactors. Key surfaces and sides were cleaned, and polished to a new appearance. Manual pistons had attention given to contacts and bushings.
3) Redesigned manuals allowing them to be pulled forward for maintenance.
4) Pedal Board rebushing of key fronts and replacement of bumper felt as required. Checked and replaced, if needed, contacts and contact plates. Replaced sharps and natural keys.
G. All exterior console woodwork was cleaned and inspected for marring and splits. Any repair work found to be needed was done while the mechanical work was being accomplished.
Conversion of the switching system of the balcony Schantz console to operate through the new ICS-4000. This console is in pristine condition and considering its limited use, will not receive further attention.
Wiring of the existing windchests to the new ICS-4000 and the replacement of all non-code low-voltage wiring. All internal pneumatic switches within the windchests for controlling offset windchests and other special functions were eliminated.
Cleaning and corrective revoicing of the Chancel and Antiphonal pipe organ which included the removal of all flue and reed pipes from the instrument, except for the full-length 16′ flues which were cleaned on location. This work included the following:
- All non-zinc metal pipes was washed, rinsed, and thoroughly dried. All pipes were checked, and any repairs accomplished, as needed;
- Zinc pipes were wiped down on the exterior surface. Compressed air was used to remove inside dirt;
- Reed pipes were disassembled, the resonators cleaned, and the tongues and shallots cleaned. Tuning wires were adjusted and polished. Installation of new inserts and new scrolls cut in, matching the original slotting formula;
- Wood pipes were vacuumed, and cleaned and wiped with a slightly damp cloth. Stoppers were repacked with leather, replacing the original neoprene. Flues and nicking were cleaned with a soft brush;
- Replacement of all tuning slides on large interior zinc pipes;
- When the pipework was taken out, all structural parts of the instrument were cleaned; and
- Installation of cleaned pipework following corrective revoicing in our shop of larger pipes on location.
Replacement of the existing plastic grille cloth with a decorative wood grille approved by the Church, which will allow air transmission between the exposed pipes and the Chancel. This change eliminated the radical repitching of the interior divisions with the change of seasons.
View or download the tonal spec PDF
Country Club Christian Church_Tonal Spec