Opus 34 : 3 manuals, 32 ranks
year complete, 1992
Electro-pneumatic. Incorporating 15 rescaled and revoiced ranks from 1960 M.P. Möller (Opus 9478). Installed 1992.
Saint Michael’s Parish has been served by four church buildings and a variety of musical instruments since it’s founding in 1749. The parish’s first organ, built for the second church building in 1873 by Thomas Hall of New York, still exists. Essentially an English chamber organ, it consists of one manual (with an extended keyboard compass to GGG) and seven stops. In 1866 the William B. D. Simmons company of Boston provided a two-manual instrument for the gallery of the third church. It was replaced in 1911 by a “modern” two-manual organ featuring tubular pheumatic action built by the Harry Hall Company of West Haven, Connecticut. During the construction of the present, neo-gothic building, the hall building was rebuilt using electo-pneumatic action, enlarged slightly, and was re-installed in the new church in 1919 where it served until 1960. In January 1961 the M.P. Moller Company installed a three manual, 27 rank neo-Baroque organ designed by Ernest White. Subsequent additions to that organ included the installation of an antiphonal division and several additional ranks to the Chancel organ.
The present instrument, built by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., of Warrensburg, Missouri, was designed by Thomas Brown and Michael Quimby, along “American Classic” lines. Much of the flue work was voiced by John Hendricksen; the reed stops were provided by A.R. Schopp’s Sons and were voiced by Fred Oyster. The instrument features a multiplex relay system, solid-state multi-level combination action, and is controlled from the three-level mahogany and oak drawknob console which retains the richly carved 1919 console shell by Irving and Casson.
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