2 manuals, 19 ranks

year complete 1997 - 2017

Installed 1952 M.P. Möller pipe organ (relocated from another church). Reengineered the instrument to fit into the church’s space. Revoiced and finished the existing pipes for the church’s musical requirements. Added five new pipe ranks voiced to blend with the existing ranks. Releathered all the existing Möller windchests. Installed a Peterson multiplex relay, MIDI, MIDI playback sequencer, and 32 level combination action.

Most of this organ came from the 1st Methodist Church of St. Joseph, Missouri, where in 1952, it was given to the church in memory of Frederick C. Kellogg by his family. Mr. Kellogg died in an airplane crash in 1951 at the age of 25. The organ was installed behind the facade of a previous organ by the M.P. Möller Organ Company, of Hagerstown, Maryland as their Opus 8365.

In February, 1995, 1st UMC of St. Joseph voted to merge with Francis Street UMC. The merged church elected to retain some of the pipe organ in order to incorporate it into its building. It was during this time that Quimby Pipe Organs purchased the instrument and contacted the Liberty UMC Church in hopes that they had found a suitable organ. Revitalization and expansion were planned and are complete for this organ, and it again breathes and speaks music to honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

View or download the tonal spec 

LibertyUMC_Tonal Specification

Read about the 2017 expansion of the pipe organ

Liberty UMC_feature

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