First Christian ChurchLEXINGTON, MISSOURI
2 manuals, 12 ranks
year complete, 2001
The City of Lexington, the County Seat of Lafayette County, Missouri, is well-known in local history. A significant battle took place during the Civil War on September 18-20, 1861, and a cannonball, still lodged in a column of the County Courthouse, serves as a constant reminder of that battle.
If you ever get a chance to visit Lexington, make a stop at the First Christian Church, 1515 South Street, and take in the musical ambiance of the 1900 Kilgen 12-rank two-manual and pedal mechanical action pipe organ. This pipe organ is one of only two original pipe organs still in use in Lexington, Mo.
This historic pipe organ underwent extensive repairs this past year. The project included restoration of the tracker action, manuals, and pedalboard. Richard Hamar, of Norwich, Conn., under contract with Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., completed the renovation. A showcase recital series for the historic Kilgen were underway soon after the organ was restored.
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