Opus 35 : 2 manuals, 10 ranks

year complete, 1992

The pipe organ at the Clinton United Methodist Church, rebuilt by Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc., Warrensburg, Missouri, is a two manual electro-pneumatic instrument with 19 ranks. It contains a total of 1,076 pipes of which 422 are exposed. The instrument tonal design, layout, and scaling, including voicing procedures, were accomplished by Michael Quimby.

The case of the console was retained from the original 1955 Kilgen instrument, as was the existing pipe case, and eight ranks of pipes. All the internal parts of the console are new and were specially designed to accommodate the console shell. The key and stop functions are controlled by a solid state multi-plex relay system. The solid state multi-level combination action features thirty-two levels of memory.

The exposed pipes and electro-pneumatic windchests are new and contain pipes of the great division played by the lower keyboard and the pedal division. The largest 24 pipes of the exposed divisions are constructed of polished zinc with tin mouths. The remaining exposed pipes are constructed of 50% tin and 50% lead. The red felt on the exposed great division Rohrflute serves as a seal for the solid canister top and chimney. The swell division is controlled by the second keyboard and is located behind the original organ case. The sound of this division can be changed by shutters which open and close similar to a venetian blind. Thew swell division pipes, except for the Trumpet and large pedal pipes are installed on new electro-pneumatic windchests.

The new ranks were constructed according to specifications provided by the organbuilder by A. R. Schopp’s Sons, Inc. Those ranks that were retained from the Kilgen organ were rescaled and revoiced to blend with the revised specification.


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